

Current Promotions

New Donor Loyalty Program Introduced

As a dedicated blood donor, you now have a choice to earn gifts and make your donation more valuable to you. You can receive items that you can use in your daily life and feel rewarded for your contribution to those in need of life-saving blood.

Sizzling Summer Coupon Give-A-Way

Ssummers in Texas can be scorching hot! It is important to stay hydrated and cool. Donate at our Tyler, Longview, Marshall, Mt. Pleasant or Paris centers or at any mobile blood drive between the 1st and 14th during the months of May, June or August and receive a coupon from Brookshire Grocery Company for a FREE gallon of Red Diamond Tea, a half gallon of Dairy Pride Orange Juice, or a pint of Goldenbrook Ice Cream!


For the love of our troops

All donors will be given a patriotic Thank You postcard which they can sign. The postcards will be sent to recovering troops at Brooke Army Medical Center on the Ft. Sam Houston base located in San Antonio, Texas.

Coupon time!

May 1st-14th donors at the Tyler, Longview, Marshall, Paris & Mt. Pleasant donor centers will receive coupons for free ice cream, orange juice, iced tea and more!


May 15th-31st Club Red members will receive double points for their donations.

May, June, July

Father’s Day Giveaway

In-center donors will be registered, from May 22-June 13, to win a Father’s Day gift pack to be given away from each center.

Pint For Pint is back!

From Memorial Day to Labor Day on Tuesdays and Thursdays (in-center), everyone who donates a pint of blood will get a free pint of Haagen-Dazs ice cream courtesy of Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream.

Southwest Airlines Giveaway!

From Memorial Day to Labor Day! ALL donors will be eligible to win a pair of SOUTHWEST AIRLINE tickets to fly anywhere in the Continental U.S. Encourage donors to enter as many times as possible!        

* SRBC employees and their immediate family are not  eligible

Our Mission
“To Provide a safe and sufficient blood supply to the community”

(800) 252-5584

815 South Baxter Avenue, Tyler, Texas 75701

Website Services by Group M7